Topic Ratings Plugin

Normally, when you refresh (F5) the browser window after having edited a post, it simply reloads the current thread. If you refresh a rated thread after having edited a post, the edit is shown again (I then cancel the edit, and everything is fine again.)

Yes this is a tricky one. I’ve been trying to pin it down this morning. This is what I’ve discovered so far:

  1. It only occurs if you only change the rating on a reply by editing it. If you change the rating on the first post in a topic or change a rating in a reply and also change the content of the post, it does not occur.

  2. The composer opening is triggered by this method in the topic-from-params route:

if (!Ember.isEmpty(topic.get('draft'))) {{
          draft: Draft.getLocal(topic.get('draft_key'), topic.get('draft')),
          draftKey: topic.get('draft_key'),
          draftSequence: topic.get('draft_sequence'),
          topic: topic,
          ignoreIfChanged: true

So in other words, if only the rating is changed and the title and reply remain the same when an edit to a reply is saved, the ``draft`` attribute of the topic view is populated on the server.

However, it turns out that this is true generally of Discourse. If you edit a reply, do not change the title or reply content and then 'save' the edit, the composer will re-open if you refresh the page:

Is this a bug or is it intentional? @riking @zogstrip @sam