Update Gemfile fast_xor platform to :ruby

Thanks, https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/620c223d50bdaa776169574a7d376f056f9dec1c looks good.

unicorn will likely not work on TruffleRuby because it relies on fork but actually it installs.

Can Discourse run on Puma instead, any configuration needed for that?

there are a few others I left which I am unsure about, what should I do with them? (byebug, ruby-prof, better_errors, rbtrace, gc_tracer, stackprof, memory_profiler)

Yes those all seem very MRI-specific (until they start supporting different backends), so best as platforms: :mri for now.
better_errors might work, but binding_of_caller does not support TruffleRuby yet.
These gems also seem mostly debugging/performance tools which don’t seem necessary to get the app running.

Yes, we need to look at mini_racer.

I wonder, for context, why is JS used to render Markdown?
To make sure it’s exactly the same result as when run in the client browser?