Use discourse for SSO in a non-web app?

Here is one way, there are probably security implications that are deeper than this to think about - but this should give you the gist.

unless i’ve forgotten something important

A few apps that work like this run a “mini web server” inside themselves on a non-fixed port (i.e. it finds the first free port).

Effectively turning app into a web app.

See the this thread regarding using Discourse as an SSO provider:

You’ll need to think carefully about avoid leaking sso_secret - hence the introduction of YOUR_SERVER in the process flow below. But you don’t just want to recreate the problem further along the chain.

The process follow looks something like this:

  1. Start internal HTTP server (LOCAL_SERVER)
  • finding first free port > 1024 so you don’t need admin rights.
  1. Displaying the in-app browser window
  • this browser windows will effectively just loads https://YOUR_SERVER/some-path/?somesecurityA=somevalueA
  1. Generate the redirection URL (YOUR_SERVER)
  • Have your own web site (a simple PHP site will do) - this is not inside the app
  • This is responsible for keeping your sso_secret secret and playing it’s part in generating the return_sso_url
  • You’ll need to manage the security here carefully to pass the minimal amount of details (port number) each way between the app and YOUR_SERVER and securing your server from abuse i.e. somesecurityA=somevalueA.
  • perhaps always assume localhost is a part of the security measure.
  • generate the appropriate Discourse return_sso_url URL - this will some URL like YOUR_SERVER/check-discourse-response?somesecurityB=somevalueB
  • redirect to DISCOURSE_ROOT_URL/session/sso_provider?sso=URL_ENCODED_PAYLOAD&sig=HEX_SIGNATURE
  1. User signs into Discourse in the in-app browser window
  • On success the user will be redirected to YOUR_SERVER/check-discourse-response?somesecurityB=somevalueB
  1. Check the Discourse SSO response (YOUR_SERVER)
  • Check the security values etc i.e. somesecurityB=somevalueB
  • On success redirect to localhost:{port_number}/another-path/?some-other-security=some-other-value
  1. Handle HTTP request response to the local in-app web server (LOCAL_SERVER)
  • actually check any security measures you have.
  • do something nice like close the auth dialog automatically.

Doing this you’ll get support for whatever SSO providers your Discourse instance has setup i.e. Google, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub etc.