User API keys specification

How about creating a specific new scope, with a third parameter to indicate “get param allowed”. That way, people can’t misuse it for other things (e.g. bypassing CORS and requesting the discourse API from another site).

(from here)

    read: [:get],
    write: [:get, :post, :patch, :put, :delete],
    message_bus: [[:post, 'message_bus']],
    push: nil,
    one_time_password: nil,
    notifications: [[:post, 'message_bus'], [:get, 'notifications#index'], [:put, 'notifications#mark_read']],
    session_info: [
      [:get, 'session#current'],
      [:get, 'users#topic_tracking_state'],
      [:get, 'list#unread'],
      [:get, 'list#new'],
      [:get, 'list#latest']
+   calendar: [ [:get, 'users#bookmarks_cal', true ] ],

(Aside: why are we using nested arrays here…)