Youtube "short" videos type embedding/oneboxing not working

Yes, I’m just struggling with the ruby test file. It doesn’t work and I don’t know why. I’ve never used/created unit testing before so…

The file that should be modified is discourse/youtube_onebox_spec.rb at 493d437e79f88ab9829a36fa000cc6107085e424 · discourse/discourse · GitHub

I’ve tried adding this at the bottom of the file:

  it "can parse youtube shorts results" do
    preview = expect(Onebox.preview('').placeholder_html) match(/reacts/) match(/hqdefault/)

And also added this at the beginning of the file, in before do:

stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: onebox_response("youtube-shorts"))`

I executed the tests with bin/rspec spec/lib/onebox/engine/youtube_onebox_spec.rb
But the test I added fails.

I don’t have the error message right now and I’ll be busy for the next few hours though.