Deprecation notice: PluginOutlet

In the console I am seeing

:warning:Deprecation notice: PluginOutlet arguments should now be passed using @outletArgs= instead of @args= (outlet: category-box-below-each-category) [deprecation id: discourse.plugin-outlet-args

This currently doesn’t seem to be breaking anything. So more just for information headsup

probably from one of your themes or components. can you check safe mode? i’m not getting this error on my instance.

looks like whatever component that is causing it is using the old plugin outlet args format:

for example, this would lkely throw a deprecation error:

but this shouldn’t:


I do have the Air theme installed. So likely the 'minimal category boxes ’ you linked as ‘modern category boxes with groups’ is still under that name.

The other TC throwing an error is post badges.

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