Does the 'Posted' field in the user card include topics in private categories?

Does the ‘Posted’ field in the user card include topics in privare categories?
For example, (redacted) user has not posted for the past 4 years (activity > all), but it says their last post was 2 days ago.

yes it does. Most of the posted counts for Team who post on Meta will be like this. I can assure you mine that you see for public Meta isn’t accurate either. Some Team members don’t post in public categories at all, but are very active in private ones. We have a lot of private categories, as well as group inboxes.


Thanks! I get it now. Just another quick question, will it apply for me as well if I were to send a PM to a user?

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Understood. Thanks!


I was hoping for a better onebox, but I don’t think it will onebox from ask.

Here is Lola settings bot with a quick reply

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Perhaps I am not being clear, I meant the one that shows when the user last posted.
Looks like AI answered it:

Does 'Last Posted' Include Private Messages? AI


Does the last posted field in the user card include private messages?



Searching for: Does the last posted field in the Discourse user card include private messages?


Read: Why doesn't Discourse show user statistics?

The information from the search didn’t directly cover whether private messages are included in the “last posted” field on the user card. Let’s keep exploring.

Next, I will query additional documentation to see if another source directly addresses this point.


Searching for: What information is shown on the user card in Discourse? Does the last posted field include private messages?


Read: Suggestion: ‘Likes received’ and ‘Posts’ in User Card

The “last posted” field on the Discourse user card does include private messages.

This information is shown in the suggestions made within the Discourse Community and documented in user discussions ( Here is a link offering more context: Suggestion: ‘Likes received’ and ‘Posts’ in User Card.

If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!


Does it include posts in private categories?



Searching for: Does the last posted field in the Discourse user card include posts in private categories?


Read: Understanding user statuses, roles, and permissions

The “last posted” field on the user card in Discourse does include posts made in private categories. This means that any activity a user has, whether in public or private categories, will update the “last posted” information on their user card.

This behavior aligns with how Discourse manages user activity visibility within scoped permissions, as elaborated in the documentation about user statuses, roles, and permissions.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

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You could also try it. Send a message to yourself and check your usercard.

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nah you’re being clear enough. I’m being dense :woman_facepalming:t2: :laughing:

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Doesn’t seem to work. I just sent myself a PM, replied to it, but it does not say that on my user card (unless it takes time to update, but I’ve already refreshed the page).


it works, its just that pms don’t count as posts. :smiley:

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The bot said they do

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Hmm so only private categories?

the bot is playing mind games with us all. I blame Jammy.

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I wonder if @ForumHelperBot is back from vacation.

@ForumHelperBot - does the last posted time on our user cards include private category posts and personal message posts?


Found 60 results for 'Discourse user card last posted field private messages categories status:public'

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Reading: Does the 'Posted' field in the user card include topics in private categories?

The “last posted” field on a user’s Discourse user card does indeed include posts made in private categories. This means that any activity a user has, whether in public or private categories, will update the “last posted” information on their user card. However, it appears that private messages (PMs) do not count as posts for the “last posted” field, based on feedback from both user experience and the AI’s response.

For further clarity, checking your own user card after sending a PM to yourself, and observing changes in the “last posted” field can provide more practical insight. The search results support that private messages do not update the “last posted” field like posts in categories do.


@ForumHelperBot I think you mean personal messages, not private messages.

In this context, “private messages” and “personal messages” typically refer to the same feature in Discourse: a way to send messages directly to specific users that are not visible to others on the forum. Therefore, they do not update the “last posted” field on the user card, it only updates for posts in categories — both public and private.

Feel free to let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to clarify!

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