Discourse for delivery dispatch

The core though is Discourse as a dispatching service.

For pre scheduling a delivery it can work as there is not as much pressure. But for fast paced variable things like food delivery not too likely without a lot of work.

Amazon tracking is simply tied to the courier vs them having their own system.

Food delivery companies typically work by sub contracting the delivery to the driver taking a relatively small cut from the Delivery charge. Food deliveries of course don’t need any real tracking as that is in most cases very unnecessary bling

With scheduled deliveries where things like Building supplies if not using the Store’s delivery service.

In @Architect delivery company idea is not likely to be helpful with your island delivery of building materials. However he could potentially augment his income by being able to promote other Companies that would be able to help you if you’re within his region by using referrals links for added income.

However that is honestly a different topic to using discourse as a dispatching agent service imho.

As many business clients in that regard likely want to discuss more with the delivery management the Private Topics plugin likely would be a good consideration.

I will leave it at this. For fast paced restaurants’ delivery and similar(ie booze). I would not recommend using Discourse as a dispatching software service.

For scheduled deliveries set up in advanced where you will hire and fully get employees as bondable? Discourse could work. However on the business side you want to be able to have multiple ways to track the delivery; especially with expensive materials being picked up to delivered.