Get glimmer component access to stuff from the parent

{{log "rating this parent" this.parentView._parentView.topic}}

generates an ugly error.

<RatingOne @scaleValue={{this.scaleValue}} @passedRouter={{this.router}} @topic={{this.parentView}} />

seems not to generate an error.

I really need above-topic-list-item, but thanks to your fine example, I was able to find that it should have the topic in outletArgs,

Ha! I’m going to do it!

So outletArgs means that it’s now in the this of the thing? (That’s what it looks like–I thought I would need to look in args somehow. . .)

So in my connector hbs, I can access this.topic and then I can call my component like this:

<RatingOne @name="one" @topic={{this.topic}}/>

And then in the hbs for the RatingOne component (one day to be renamed just rating since I’ve figured out how to pass stuff to it) I can

  This is topic {{}} {{this.topic.title}}
  This is category id: {{this.topic.category_id}})

and get the topic stuff!

And now I see the topic, now I can go add my args to the topic serializer, right? (It might be better to pass it just to to the category . . . or maybe I’ll just pass a “doTheThing” value in the serializer and get the actual stuff from SiteSettings, as I think they want this at the site and not category level).

Unless I’ve somehow stumbled on something else deprecated, it seems like you’ve done it. Thanks a zillion. :beer: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :moneybag: