403 errors, unresponsive buttons and admin menu disappearing

Hello all,
Been running discourse for a few years - love it. However, lately it started acting up, and I’m not able to figure out why.

If I try to quote someone on the forum, then I get a message saying “drafts offline”, and then it fails to post with a popup saying 403 error.

If I try to cancel, the discard drafts button fails to function.

I went to check for updates, but the admin menu is gone for my user.

Logout button does nothing. So, I have to clear my cookies, refresh, login, and then things seem to work fine again.

Done a full update and restart - didn’t fix the issue. Anyone run into this before?

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Have you tried Safe mode?

You may have themes and/or plugins that might be causing issues due to changes in core that are not updated with needed changes

Could be. Just tried that. Quoting seems to work now - admin menu is still gone. Also when I go to an admin page, it says it doesn’t exist or is private.

Pretty sure restarting the app fill fix it, but no idea why.

Sounds a little like some of the problems people have been having with Cloudflare’s auto minify feature, if you’re using it?


Actually, I just logged into to Cloudflare to see about excluding the forum and see if that helped.


That was it! No sure if it was Auto Minify exactly, but I wrote an exclusion to shut everything off and it’s working again.



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