Salesforce integration Plugin - Only available for Enterprise?

Hi all,

Our team is looking at moving to Discourse, so naturally I have a whole bunch of questions. Today’s question is about the Salesforce integration plugin. It says it’s enterprise, does that mean anyone on a lower price plan can not access that plugin and would we need to make our own if that’s the case?

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Yes that’s correct, it’s only available on our Enterprise tier hosting plan.

On hosting, custom plugins aren’t allows on hosting tiers below Enterprise, so this wouldn’t be an option either.

Plugins are far-reaching into Discourse code and can do just about anything, so we have to restrict the ones used on our servers to maintain security and performance.

If the Salesforce plugin is a must-have and Enterprise is beyond your budget, it may be worth investigating self-hosting on your own servers… this grants you full control of which plugins can be installed.