Reproduction steps:
- Click on a usercard.
- Scroll away from that user’s usercard.
- The usercard appears again even though you have not clicked on their usercard afterwards.
Reproduction steps:
Hey @twofoursixeight, thanks for the report — could you please include your device / browser / version details so we can try to reproduce?
That was reproduced on a linux mint 22 machine running firefox. I don’t have access to it right now but it was running the latest version.
I will check if I can reproduce on my mobile devices. I cannot reproduce on my tablets as touching the screen makes the usercard disappear, so I presume this only happened to my desktop device. It involved using the mousewheel I believe.
We don’t close user card on scroll, we could close it when it goes significantly out of viewport though.
So not a bug per say, it’s expected behavior atm.
I think the issue here is that the open user card is appearing outside its original context. It’s a little tricky to tell in the video but I think what’s happening is:
I can’t reproduce it at the moment — for me, if I open a user card on post A and scroll way up / down, the user card only shows as opened when I scroll past post A.