Opening usercards changes the zoom

I noticed on some forums that when you open a usercard, the entire page is zoomed out.

I couldn’t reproduce the problem here because of the usercard redesign experiment, and somehow on no zoom happened as well. The usercard was partly off-screen.

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No repro on Chrome or Safari macOS on the Rails forums.

What operating system are you on? The bottom bar in your video:

makes me think it may be an Android tablet, possibly?

The screencast was taken on my Android tablet, but the issue of usercards enlarging the window is not limited to my tablet. I can also reproduce it on Windows using Edge, Chrome and Firefox.

Maybe it’s the size of the window? I tried with quite small windows.

This is slightly different, and I can repro. The card expands beyond the window available window size and it causes the viewport to have a scrollbar. On smaller windows, it’s not ideal, but it is not a new regression, I believe that’s how user cards have been for a while.

I don’t see a zooming issue in these last screen recordings.

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No on desktop there is no zoom, but the window size is changed by the user card.
This causes automatic resizing on Android tablets using Chrome in desktop mode, which became the default for some tablets some months ago. That is probably the reason why I had the impression it was a new regression.

I will just tell my tablet that it is a bad idea for Discourse forums to use desktop mode and add all forums to the exceptions list, so it requests the mobile site.

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Fixed :tada:


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