How to use DiscourseConnect as a client only?

Hello, I would like my website visitors to only be able to log in and register with Discourse. Here’s what I did so far (but it gives me a 404 error).

Step 1: I created the DiscourseConnect Secret Key
Step 2: Enabled these options on my WP website

Step 3: Enabled these options on Discourse:

Step 4: Visited the wp-login.php and if I press the Log in with Discourse link or if I use this shortcode [discourse_connect_client] on any page, it gives me a 404 error on Discourse.

What am I missing?


Any help is appreciated.

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You have configured Discourse as if it would use Wordpress to authenticate, which is not what you want to do.

You should remove all DiscourseConnect settings you’ve made on Discourse side and make the following settings in Admin - Settings - Login instead:


Thanks for your help, now is working. And btw I was getting this error because I pasted my website URL with https:// in front (it should be just

“Authentication failed due to missing secret. Contact the site administrators to fix this problem.”

And I must say that these settings are a bit confusing. As in your image, I should’ve enabled the Discourse Connect Provider option on Discourse, although the DiscourseConnect Provider tab on WP says the opposite of what I wanted:

" Enabling your site to function as the DiscourseConnect provider transfers all user authentication from Discourse to WordPress.".

They should be renamed and or/separated by a title or maybe on different tabs as they are on WordPress.