Unable to Login to Discourse, using wpdiscourse plugin


I have a wordpress install using the wp discourse plugin.

I am not able to use the login link, it redirects to a blank page.

My install uses the latest version of wordpress and the lastest version of wpdiscourse.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hey @FuryWebdev could you just confirm your current DiscourseConnect setup. If you could just confirm the following

  • Wordpress is your DiscourseConnect provider?
  • Enable DiscourseConnect Provider is selected in your WP Discourse settings?
    • What other settings in your DiscourseConnect Provider admin panel do you have enabled?
  • You have a DiscourseConnect Secret Key in WP Discourse set?
  • You’ve enabled enable discourse connect in Discourse?
  • You’ve set the discourse connect url setting in Discourse?
  • You’ve set discourse connect secret setting in Discourse with the same value you set in DiscourseConnect Secret Key in WP Discourse?

I maintain a wordpress site using the wpdiscourse plugin. Once you create a user in wordpress, go back and edit the user. There is a checkbox with the header “Email Address Verified” and a caption Marking the user’s email as verified will allow them to bypass email authentication on Discourse. After clicking on this checkbox, our login issues for new users disappeared.

We are using the discourse.org hosting option. If you look at the Enable Discourse Connect setting in the Discourse admin panel, it says “Enable sign on via DiscourseConnect (formerly ‘Discourse SSO’) (WARNING: USERS’ EMAIL ADDRESSES MUST BE VALIDATED BY THE EXTERNAL SITE!)” I believe the warning is referring to the checkbox referenced above.

Hope this helps.

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Hey Angus,

I’m not even able to access the admin pages to see these details.


Each link says “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”

Your account must not be an admin on that forum. Do you have an account with admin access? If not, you’ll need to secure admin access first.