Two tracked variables not updating

I have the following code:

import Component from "@glimmer/component";
import { apiInitializer } from "discourse/lib/api";
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
import { defaultHomepage } from "discourse/lib/utilities";

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/cakeday/anniversaries/today.json");
xhr.responseType = "json";
xhr.onload = () => {
    if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
        let resp = xhr.response;
        let numberOfAnns = resp['total_rows_anniversaires'];
        let allAnns = resp['anniversaries']; // Is a list of dicts
        let allAnnsUsernames = [];
        for (var annUserdata in allAnns) {
        var annsOfData = {'num_anns': numberOfAnns, 'anns_users': allAnnsUsernames};
return annsOfData;

export default apiInitializer("1.14.0", (api) => {
    //const banner_location = settings.banner_location
        class BdaysAnnsBanner extends Component {
            @tracked annsDataFinal = null;
            @tracked bdaysDataFinal = null;
            @tracked areBothBannersVisible = true;
            @tracked isAnnsVisible = null;
            @tracked isBdaysVisible = null;

            @service router;

            constructor() {
                this.fetchAnnsData(); // Automatically fetch on initialization
            // Asynchronously fetch the data and update tracked property
            async fetchAnnsData() {
                const response = await fetch("/cakeday/anniversaries/today.json");
                const json = await response.json();
                let numberOfAnns = parseInt(json['total_rows_anniversaries']);
                let allAnns = json['anniversaries']; // Is a list of dicts
                let allAnnsUsernames = [];
                for (let annUserdata of allAnns) {
                this.annsDataFinal = {'num_anns': numberOfAnns, 'anns_users': allAnnsUsernames, 'visible': true, 'isFilled': true};

            // Asynchronously fetch the data and update tracked property
            async fetchBdaysData() {
                 // Declare bdaysDataFinal here
                let bdaysDataFinal;
                // Fetch birthdays data
                const response = await fetch("/cakeday/birthdays/today.json");
                const json = await response.json();
                // Run the logic to process the data
                let numberOfBdays = parseInt(json['total_rows_birthdays']);
                let allBdays = json['birthdays']; // Is a list of dicts
                let allBdaysUsernames = [];
                for (let bdayUserdata of allBdays) {
                this.bdaysDataFinal = {'num_bdays': numberOfBdays, 'bdays_users': allBdaysUsernames, 'visible': true, 'isFilled': true};
                //console.log(annsDataFinal);  // Just to verify the result

            updateBothBannersVisibility(bannerData) {
                // Check if it's anns or bdays
                if (bannerData.num_anns) { // It's anns
                    if (bannerData.num_anns == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data) {
                        console.log(`Anns+setting: ${bannerData.num_anns == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data}`);
                        this.isAnnsVisible = false;
                        console.log(`isAnnsV: ${this.isAnnsVisible}`);
                } else { // It's bdays  
                    if (bannerData.num_bdays == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data) {
                        console.log(`Bdays+setting: ${bannerData.num_bdays == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data}`);
                        this.isBdaysVisible = false;
                        console.log(`isBdaysV: ${this.isBdaysVisible}`);
                console.log(`isAnnsV: ${this.isAnnsVisible}`);
                console.log(`isBdaysV: ${this.isBdaysVisible}`);
                // Uses an inequality. If not the same (true), banner is shown. If it is the same, inequality is not satisfied, and the banner will be hidden.
                this.areBothBannersVisible = !(this.isAnnsVisible === false && this.isBdaysVisible === false); // Or: this.areBothBannersVisible = this.isAnnsVisible || this.isBdaysVisible;

            // Getter for the data
            get annsData() {
                //return this.annsDataFinal;
                if (this.annsDataFinal !== null) {
                    if (this.annsDataFinal.num_anns == 0) {
                        if (settings.hide_unused_data) {
                            this.annsDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                            this.annsDataFinal.visible = false;
                        } else {
                            this.annsDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                    } else {
                        this.annsDataFinal.isFilled = true;
                        this.annsDataFinal.visible = true;
                    // If the data is not loaded yet, return null or any default value
                    return this.annsDataFinal;
            // Getter for the data
            get bdaysData() {
                //return this.bdaysDataFinal;
                if (this.bdaysDataFinal !== null) {
                    if (this.bdaysDataFinal.num_bdays == 0) {
                        if (settings.hide_unused_data) {
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.visible = false;
                        } else {
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.visible = true;
                    } else {
                        this.bdaysDataFinal.isFilled = true;
                        this.bdaysDataFinal.visible = true;

                    // If the data is not loaded yet, return null or any default value
                    return this.bdaysDataFinal;

            get isHomepage() {
                const { currentRouteName } = this.router;
                return currentRouteName === `discovery.${defaultHomepage()}`;

                {{#if this.areBothBannersVisible}}
                    {{#if this.isHomepage}}
                        <div class='bdaysannsbanner' id='bdaysannsbanner'>
                            {{#if this.annsData.visible}}
                                <div class='anns'>
                                    {{#if this.annsData.isFilled}}
                                        <p>{{this.annsData.num_anns}} users are celebrating their anniversary!</p>
                                        <!-- Display the anniversaries data -->
                                        {{#each this.annsData.anns_users as |username|}}
                                            <span><a class='mention'>{{username}}</a></span>
                                        <p>No one has their anniversary today!</p>
                            <br />
                            {{#if this.bdaysData.visible}}
                                <div class='bdays'>
                                    {{#if this.bdaysData.isFilled}}
                                        <p>{{this.bdaysData.num_bdays}} users are celebrating their birthday!</p>
                                        <!-- Display the birthday data -->
                                        {{#each this.bdaysData.bdays_users as |username|}}
                                            <span><a class='mention'>{{username}}</a></span>
                                        <p>No one is celebrating their birthday today!</p>

The part that isn’t working are the this.isAnnsVisible and this.isBdaysVisible variables. They don’t seem to be updating, causing the banner to be shown.

1 Like

It’s odd that these variables aren’t updating. Could it be that they are not being used correctly?

I’m sorry to bump this, but I still have no idea why this is happening.
My code now:

import Component from "@glimmer/component";
import { apiInitializer } from "discourse/lib/api";
import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax";
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
import { defaultHomepage } from "discourse/lib/utilities";
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';

export default apiInitializer("1.14.0", (api) => {
    //const banner_location = settings.banner_location
        class BdaysAnnsBanner extends Component {
            @tracked annsDataFinal = null;
            @tracked bdaysDataFinal = null;
            @tracked areBothBannersVisible = true;
            @tracked isAnnsVisible = null;
            @tracked isBdaysVisible = null;

            @service router;

            constructor() {
                this.fetchAnnsData(); // Automatically fetch on initialization
            // Asynchronously fetch the data and update tracked property
            async fetchAnnsData() {
                const response = await fetch("/cakeday/anniversaries/today.json");
                const json = await response.json();
                let numberOfAnns = parseInt(json['total_rows_anniversaries']);
                let allAnns = json['anniversaries']; // Is a list of dicts
                let allAnnsUsernames = [];
                for (let annUserdata of allAnns) {
                this.annsDataFinal = {'num_anns': numberOfAnns, 'anns_users': allAnnsUsernames, 'visible': true, 'isFilled': true};

            // Asynchronously fetch the data and update tracked property
            async fetchBdaysData() {
                 // Declare bdaysDataFinal here
                let bdaysDataFinal;
                // Fetch birthdays data
                const response = await fetch("/cakeday/birthdays/today.json");
                const json = await response.json();
                // Run the logic to process the data
                let numberOfBdays = parseInt(json['total_rows_birthdays']);
                let allBdays = json['birthdays']; // Is a list of dicts
                let allBdaysUsernames = [];
                for (let bdayUserdata of allBdays) {
                this.bdaysDataFinal = {'num_bdays': numberOfBdays, 'bdays_users': allBdaysUsernames, 'visible': true, 'isFilled': true};
                //console.log(annsDataFinal);  // Just to verify the result

            updateBothBannersVisibility(bannerData) {
                // Check if it's anns or bdays
                if (bannerData.num_anns) { // It's anns
                    if (bannerData.num_anns == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data) {
                        console.log(`Anns+setting: ${bannerData.num_anns == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data}`);
                        this.isAnnsVisible = false;
                        console.log(`isAnnsV: ${this.isAnnsVisible}`);
                } else { // It's bdays  
                    if (bannerData.num_bdays == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data) {
                        console.log(`Bdays+setting: ${bannerData.num_bdays == 0 && settings.hide_unused_data}`);
                        this.isBdaysVisible = false;
                        console.log(`isBdaysV: ${this.isBdaysVisible}`);
                console.log(`isAnnsV: ${this.isAnnsVisible}`);
                console.log(`isBdaysV: ${this.isBdaysVisible}`);
                // Uses an inequality. If not the same (true), banner is shown. If it is the same, inequality is not satisfied, and the banner will be hidden.
                this.areBothBannersVisible = !(this.isAnnsVisible === false && this.isBdaysVisible === false); // Or: this.areBothBannersVisible = this.isAnnsVisible || this.isBdaysVisible;

            // Getter for the data
            get annsData() {
                //return this.annsDataFinal;
                if (this.annsDataFinal !== null) {
                    if (this.annsDataFinal.num_anns == 0) {
                        if (settings.hide_unused_data) {
                            this.annsDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                            this.annsDataFinal.visible = false;
                            this.isAnnsVisible = false;
                        } else {
                            this.annsDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                    } else {
                        this.annsDataFinal.isFilled = true;
                        this.annsDataFinal.visible = true;
                    // If the data is not loaded yet, return null or any default value
                    return this.annsDataFinal;
            // Getter for the data
            get bdaysData() {
                //return this.bdaysDataFinal;
                if (this.bdaysDataFinal !== null) {
                    if (this.bdaysDataFinal.num_bdays == 0) {
                        if (settings.hide_unused_data) {
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.visible = false;
                            this.isBdaysVisible = false;
                            console.log(`this.isAnnsVisible: ${this.isAnnsVisible}`);
                            console.log(`this.isBdaysVisible: ${this.isBdaysVisible}`);
                        } else {
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.isFilled = false;
                            this.bdaysDataFinal.visible = true;
                    } else {
                        this.bdaysDataFinal.isFilled = true;
                        this.bdaysDataFinal.visible = true;

                    // If the data is not loaded yet, return null or any default value
                    return this.bdaysDataFinal;

            get isHomepage() {
                const { currentRouteName } = this.router;
                return currentRouteName === `discovery.${defaultHomepage()}`;
                {{#if this.areBothBannersVisible}}
                    {{#if this.isHomepage}}
                        <div class='bdaysannsbanner' id='bdaysannsbanner'>
                            {{#if this.annsData.visible}}
                                <div class='anns'>
                                    {{#if this.annsData.isFilled}}
                                        <p>{{this.annsData.num_anns}} users are celebrating their anniversary!</p>
                                        <!-- Display the anniversaries data -->
                                        {{#each this.annsData.anns_users as |username|}}
                                            <span><a class='mention'>{{username}}</a></span>
                                        <p>No one has their anniversary today!</p>
                            <br />
                            {{#if this.bdaysData.visible}}
                                <div class='bdays'>
                                    {{#if this.bdaysData.isFilled}}
                                        <p>{{this.bdaysData.num_bdays}} users are celebrating their birthday!</p>
                                        <!-- Display the birthday data -->
                                        {{#each this.bdaysData.bdays_users as |username|}}
                                            <span><a class='mention'>{{username}}</a></span>
                                        <p>No one is celebrating their birthday today!</p>

My repo:

I’m not exactly sure just yet but …

this await is unnecessary.

the response should already be an object so not sure why you need the .json() etc. ? You can probably simplify this a lot

you don’t need to pass this as the tracked variables are in scope throughout the Component, so just call it and refer to it in the action.

Some style tips:

  • don’t smother your shared code with console.logs, that makes it harder to see the wood for the trees
  • use two space indentation not 4 which is a discourse standard. See your template
  • consider moving this into a dedicated .gjs file
  • you can click on the numbers in github and get a shareable link which previews the code if you need.


  • set up Prettier and ESlint … the former for style and the latter for both style and it might help you catch some bugs.

It’s not this, is it?

You don’t need to go that far but that’s an option.

It’s enough to do it manually at first.

1 Like

This kind of thing probably doesn’t work.

I don’t think EmberJS will watch nested properties.

You should create, track and test properties at the same level.

So create a tracked property called say annsDataVisible, update its value and use that in your if statement.

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You can also reassign the entire object each time instead of just a value of a child attribute which might trigger a repaint.