Discourse AI - Helper

:bookmark: This guide explains how to set up and use the Helper feature of the Discourse AI plugin, including its capabilities and configuration options.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Helper assists users in community interaction, such as creating topics, writing posts, and reading content. It’s designed to enhance user productivity and improve the overall quality of contributions.


Within composer

:information_source: Note: In this demonstration, there was already written content in the composer.

Helper offers several features when creating new topics or replies:

  • Generating topic titles, tags, and categories based on the content
  • Proofreading text - including grammar and spelling checks
    • Windows keyboard shortcut: CTRLALTP
    • MacOS keyboard shortcut: P
  • Translating selected text to the forum’s default language
  • Creating Markdown tables
  • Custom prompts for various text transformations
  • Viewing and managing AI-suggested changes
  • AI-powered captions for any uploaded images

While reading topics and posts

When browsing the forum, Helper can:

  • Translate selected text to the user’s interface language
  • Explain the meaning of the selected text within the context of the topic
  • Proofreading text - including grammar and spelling checks
  • Custom prompts for various text transformations
  • Helper - Automatic chat threads titles

Enabling Helper


You must configure at least one Large Language Model (LLM) from a provider.

To get started you can configure them through the Discourse AI - Large Language Model (LLM) settings page.


  1. Navigate to AdminSettingsDiscourse AI
  2. Ensure the discourse ai enabled setting is checked
  3. Filter settings by ai helper
  4. Enable the Helper feature by checking composer ai helper enabled
  5. Select your preferred LLM in the ai_helper_model setting
  6. Use ai helper allowed groups to restrict Composer Helper usage
  7. Use post ai helper allowed groups to limit Post Helper feature access

Customizing Helper features

You can selectively enable or disable specific Helper features using the ai_helper_enabled_features setting. Available options include:

  • suggestions: Controls suggestion buttons for titles, categories, and tags
  • context_menu: Manages the menu for custom prompts, translation, and proofreading
  • image_caption: Turns on AI-powered image captions through auto caption or “Caption with AI” button

Technical FAQ

Unable to see the AI button next to the title, tag, or category?

  • AI Helper within composer requires a minimum of 10 words in the composer to appear and function.

How does the “Explain” feature work?

  • Explain uses the topic title, post content, and selected text as context for the LLM to generate output.

What are some uses of custom prompts?

  • Custom prompts can be used for various purposes, such as changing tone or translating to specific languages.

How accurate are Helper’s translations?

  • While generally reliable, translations may be less accurate for uncommon languages.


  • We recommend limiting Helper access to specific user groups to help control costs associated with third-party LLM providers.

Last edited by @Saif 2024-11-18T22:09:05Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-08-06T02:33:06Z

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