Email my forum?

so we have a question. Since your AI stuff is so awesome, it would be a riot that if someone wants to ask our forum a question, they could send an email to it, and it would reply in email with the answer via AI bot.



Doesn’t the AI send information in PMs, which makes it private?

Public category that accepts emails and mention an AI-bot. It should work.

Or using Chatbot, the other AI solution for Discourse, and its auto answering option.


And by PM that should work too. It may need some group adjustments, but after all an AI bot is (at least) ”just” another TL4 user. But I wouldn’t ever allow that for ordinary users. It is too risky, and could be really costly really fast.


If the entire interaction is between the email and the AI model, what benefit is there for the forum to be an intermediary?


because the forum represents the accumulated wisdom and ground truth of a specialized topic. for instance, our forum contains answers to questions we have accumulated for seven years.

So the idea would be to leverage the knowledge in our forum across differently modalities of people interacting with it.


Oh I see, so you would be using a Discourse AI persona with the RAG capabilities via forum search, got it.

While we don’t have plans for investing on making this interaction via email seamless at the moment, we are currently exploring ways to allow this exact use case of allowing people to interact with our RAG-powered personas from outside of Discourse.


allowing people to interact with our RAG-powered personas from outside of >Discourse.

yes, this would be great!

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