AppEvents Triggers Reference


The AppEvent system in Discourse provides a pub/sub mechanism for handling UI updates and component interactions - and these events are triggered via calls of AppEvent.trigger.

This topic consolidates a list of all such event triggers and their arguments, along with line-of-code references to the Discourse source code.

How to figure out what happens on an event trigger

AppEvent is based on the Ember’s Evented class, and similarly, events are handled by the on method.

Once the specific AppEvent trigger is identified, you may search in the source code for the corresponding .on method with the event name as the first argument.

This method should have an event handler function passed in as the last argument for executing any necessary logic upon trigger of the event.

Taking the composer:open event, we can search for appEvents.on("composer:open". This could lead us to 1 or more places in the code where the event is handled. Each of these would execute a callback function whenever the event is triggered, for example:

    this.appEvents.on("composer:opened", this, this._findMessages);

You would then refer to the definition of the callback function this._findMessages to understand what happens when the composer:opened event is triggered. This callback function can take in arguments passed in from the trigger of the event to be processed within the scope of the function.

List of AppEvent Triggers


ace:resize :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


bookmarks:changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 bookmarkFormData.saveData property True -
2 this.bookmarkModel.attachedTo called_function True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/bookmark-list.js#40 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 null null -
2 bookmark.attachedTo called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/bookmark-list.js#78 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 savedData variable -
2 bookmark.attachedTo called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#1363 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 bookmarkFormData.saveData property -
2 bookmark.attachedTo called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/topic-bookmark-manager.js#57 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 bookmarkFormData.saveData property -
2 this.bookmarkModel.attachedTo called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/post.js#585 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 data variable -
2 objectArg2 object -
- string -
- objectArg2.targetId property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/post.js#606 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 null null -
2 objectArg2 object -
- string -
- objectArg2.targetId property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/topic.js#695 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 null null -
2 bookmark.attachedTo called_function -
/plugins/chat/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/chat-message-interactor.js#350 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 bookmarkFormData.saveData property -
2 bookmark.attachedTo called_function -


card:close :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

card:hide :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

card:show :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 username variable True -
2 target variable True -
3 event variable True -


chat:message_interaction :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 result1.interaction property True -

chat:modify-selection :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 event variable True -
2 objectArg2 object True -
- objectArg2.type variable True -
- objectArg2.context property True -

chat:open-insert-link-modal :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 event variable True -
2 objectArg2 object True -
- objectArg2.context property True -

chat:open-url :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 url variable True -

chat:refresh-channel-members :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

chat:rerender-header :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

chat:toggle-close :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 event variable False -
Detailed List
/plugins/chat/assets/javascripts/discourse/initializers/chat-keyboard-shortcuts.js#110 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 event variable -
/plugins/chat/assets/javascripts/discourse/routes/chat.js#53 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

chat:toggle-expand :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this.chatStateManager.isDrawerExpanded property True -
Detailed List
/plugins/chat/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/chat-drawer.js#208 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this.chatStateManager.isDrawerExpanded property -
/plugins/chat/assets/javascripts/discourse/services/chat.js#453 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this.chatStateManager.isDrawerExpanded property -


composer:cancel-upload :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:cancelled :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1691 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1699 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1712 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:created-post :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:div-resizing :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:edited-post :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:find-similar :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:insert-block :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 quotedText.trim called_function True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#473 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 quotedText variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#694 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 quotedText.trim called_function -

composer:insert-text :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 document.activeElement.href property True -
2 objectArg2 object True -
- objectArg2.ensureSpace boolean True -

composer:open :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.model property True -

composer:opened :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:reply-reloaded :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this this True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/composer.js#965 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this this -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/composer.js#984 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this this -

composer:resize-ended :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:resize-started :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:resized :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:saved :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer:toolbar-popup-menu-button-clicked :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 menuItem variable True -

composer:typed-reply :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:all-uploads-complete :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:apply-surround :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 [grid] string True -
2 [/grid] string True -
3 grid_surround string True -
4 objectArg4 object True -
- objectArg4.useBlockMode boolean True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/composer-editor.js#771 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 [grid] string -
2 [/grid] string -
3 grid_surround string -
4 objectArg4 object -
- objectArg4.useBlockMode boolean -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/uppy/composer-upload.js#684 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 [grid] string -
2 [/grid] string -
3 grid_surround string -
4 objectArg4 object -
- objectArg4.useBlockMode boolean -

this.composerEventPrefix:closed :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:replace-text :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 matchingPlaceholder.index property True -
2 replacement variable True -
3 objectArg3 object False -
- objectArg3.regex variable False -
- objectArg3.index variable False -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/composer-editor.js#612 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 matchingPlaceholder.index property -
2 replacement variable -
3 objectArg3 object -
- objectArg3.regex variable -
- objectArg3.index variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/composer-editor.js#656 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 match variable -
2 replacement variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/composer-editor.js#743 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 matchingPlaceholder.index property -
2 string string -
3 objectArg3 object -
- objectArg3.regex variable -
- objectArg3.index variable -

this.composerEventPrefix:upload-cancelled :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -

this.composerEventPrefix:upload-error :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 file variable True -

this.composerEventPrefix:upload-started :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -

this.composerEventPrefix:upload-success :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -
2 upload variable True -

this.composerEventPrefix:uploads-aborted :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/uppy/composer-upload.js#130 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/uppy/composer-upload.js#177 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:uploads-cancelled :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:uploads-preprocessing-complete :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:will-close :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

this.composerEventPrefix:will-open :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


composer-messages:close :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

composer-messages:create :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.extraClass string True -
- objectArg1.templateName string True -
- objectArg1.body called_function True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#765 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.extraClass string -
- objectArg1.templateName string -
- objectArg1.body called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#775 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.extraClass string -
- objectArg1.templateName string -
- objectArg1.body called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#954 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.extraClass string -
- objectArg1.templateName string -
- objectArg1.body variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#978 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.extraClass string -
- objectArg1.templateName string -
- objectArg1.body variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#987 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.extraClass string -
- objectArg1.templateName string -
- objectArg1.body called_function -


count-updated:user.username_lower:key :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 value variable True -


cta:shown :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


d-editor:preview-click-group-card :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -
2 event variable True -

d-editor:preview-click-user-card :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -
2 event variable True -

d-editor:toolbar-button-clicked :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 button variable True -

destroyed-custom-html :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


discourse:focus-changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 session.hasFocus property True -


discourse-reactions:reaction-toggled :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- variable True -
- objectArg1.reaction property True -


do-not-disturb:changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this.do_not_disturb_until property True -


dom:clean :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


draft:destroyed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 key variable True -


emoji-picker:close :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


full-page-search:trigger-search :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


group:join :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 group variable True -

group:leave :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 model variable True -


header:hide-topic :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

header:keyboard-trigger :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.type string True -
- objectArg1.event variable False -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/keyboard-shortcuts.js#451 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.type string -
- objectArg1.event variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/keyboard-shortcuts.js#522 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.type string -
- objectArg1.event variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/keyboard-shortcuts.js#531 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.type string -
- objectArg1.event variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/keyboard-shortcuts.js#538 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.type string -
- objectArg1.event variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/search.js#49 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.type string -

header:show-topic :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 topic variable True -

header:update-topic :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 composer.topic property True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#1737 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 topic variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/instance-initializers/subscribe-user-notifications.js#163 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 null null -
2 5000 integer -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/routes/topic.js#418 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 model variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1205 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 composer.topic property -

inserted-custom-html :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


keyboard:move-selection :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.articles variable True -
- objectArg1.selectedArticle variable True -



No arguments passed to this event.


No arguments passed to this event.


Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.currentItem variable True -


Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.currentItem variable True -


Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.items variable True -
- objectArg1.startingIndex variable True -
- objectArg1.callbacks object True -
- objectArg1.options object True -


Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.items variable True -
- objectArg1.currentItem variable True -


notifications:changed :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/instance-initializers/subscribe-user-notifications.js#155 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/plugins/chat/assets/javascripts/discourse/services/chat-tracking-state-manager.js#110 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


page:changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.url variable True -
- objectArg1.title called_function True -
- objectArg1.currentRouteName property True -
- objectArg1.replacedOnlyQueryParams variable True -

page:compose-reply :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 topic variable True -

page:like-toggled :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 post variable True -
2 likeAction variable True -

page:topic-loaded :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 topic variable True -


poll:voted :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 poll1 variable True -
2 property True -
3 property True -
Detailed List
/plugins/poll/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/poll.gjs#190 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 poll1 variable -
2 property -
3 property -
/plugins/poll/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/poll.gjs#444 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 poll1 variable -
2 property -
3 property -


post:created :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 createdPost variable True -

post:highlight :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 result.payload.post_number property True -
2 options variable False -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/url.js#356 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 closest variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/routes/topic-from-params.js#98 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 closest variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1213 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 result.payload.post_number property -
2 options variable -

post:show-revision :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 copy.postNumber property True -
2 copy.revisionNumber property True -


post-stream:filter-replies :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.topic_id called_function True -
- objectArg1.post_number variable True -
- objectArg1.post_id variable True -

post-stream:filter-show-all :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this.attrs.streamFilters property True -

post-stream:filter-upwards :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.topic_id called_function True -
- objectArg1.post_id variable True -

post-stream:gap-expanded :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.post_id property True -

post-stream:posted :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 staged variable True -

post-stream:refresh :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 args variable False -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/invite-panel.js#340 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/invite-panel.js#353 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.force boolean -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/modal/history.js#190 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/search-menu.js#304 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.force boolean -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#112 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.force boolean -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#296 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.force boolean -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#734 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#901 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#1404 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#1721 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 args variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#1867 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/flag-targets/flag.js#26 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/keyboard-shortcuts.js#625 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/post-bookmark-manager.js#60 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/composer.js#1094 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/composer.js#1106 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/post-stream.js#284 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/post-stream.js#304 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/post-stream.js#438 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/models/post.js#589 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1194 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1201 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/services/composer.js#1208 :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


quote-button:edit :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

quote-button:quote :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


sidebar-hamburger-dropdown:rendered :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


site-header:force-refresh :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


this.eventPrefix:insert-text :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 markdown variable True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/textarea-text-manipulation.js#433 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 table variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/textarea-text-manipulation.js#487 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 markdown variable -


topic:created :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 createdPost variable True -
2 this this True -

topic:current-post-changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- variable True -

topic:current-post-scrolled :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.postIndex property True -
- objectArg1.percent called_function True -

topic:jump-to-post :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this.get called_function True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#952 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this.get called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/controllers/topic.js#1331 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 postId variable -

topic:keyboard-trigger :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.type string True -

topic:scrolled :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 offset variable True -

topic:timings-sent :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 data variable True -


topic-entrance:show :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.topic variable True -
- objectArg1.position called_function True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/basic-topic-list.js#106 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.topic variable -
- objectArg1.position called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/featured-topic.js#13 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.topic property -
- objectArg1.position called_function -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/topic-list-item.js#34 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 objectArg1 object -
- objectArg1.topic property -
- objectArg1.position called_function -


topic-header:trigger-this.args.type-card :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this.args.username property True -
2 property True -
3 e1 variable True -

upload-mixin :link:

No arguments passed to this event. :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 this.inProgressUploads property True - :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True - :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -
2 completeResponse variable True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/uppy/uppy-upload.js#249 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 property -
2 completeResponse variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/uppy/uppy-upload.js#270 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 property -
2 upload variable - :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


user-card:after-show :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.user variable True -

user-card:show :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.username variable True -


user-drafts:changed :link:

No arguments passed to this event.


user-menu:notification-click :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.notification property True -
- objectArg1.href property True -

user-menu:rendered :link:

No arguments passed to this event.

user-menu:tab-click :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 property True -


user-reviewable-count:changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 count variable True -


user-status:changed :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 data variable True -

other events

click-tracked :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 href variable True -

decorate-non-stream-cooked-element :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 cookedElement variable True -
Detailed List
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/composer-editor.js#513 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 preview variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/d-editor.js#259 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 cookedElement variable -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/discourse-banner.js#51 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this.element property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/user-stream.js#50 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 this.element property -
/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/components/user-stream.js#149 :link:
Position Argument Type Description
1 element variable -

desktop-notification-opened :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.url property True -

keyboard-visibility-change :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 keyboardVisible variable True -

push-notification-opened :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 objectArg1 object True -
- objectArg1.url property True -


No arguments passed to this event.

this.flagCreatedEvent :link:

Position Argument Type Always Present Description
1 flagModal.args.model.flagModel property True -
2 postAction variable True -
3 opts variable True -

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