Redis_data & Postgres_data are eating my 20GB+ Space

What I can do about this? redis_date & Postgres_date are eating my 20GB+ Space

Due to this, I am paying more on the digital ocean.

My forum:

Everytime these two folder are taking much of my space, and my forum is getting down.

Please help.

Screenshot attached.

For me redis_data is very small indeed. What do you get from

ls -haltrR /var/discourse/shared/standalone/redis_data

I have

root@foorumi-hel:/var/discourse# ls -haltrR /var/discourse/shared/standalone/redis_data
total 9.3M
drwxr-xr-x 13 root       root  4.0K Jan 10  2023 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 messagebus input 9.3M Dec  6 20:07 dump.rdb
drwxr-xr-x  2 messagebus input 4.0K Dec  6 20:07 .

So Vikash must have an issue indeed.

Agreed. I can’t imagine how there could be 16GB of redis. If you move to a new server, what’s in redis (typically) gets left behind, so one thing to do would be to just delete it and rebuild.

You can see what this says:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
info memory

Also, for interest, at the bottom of your forum’s sidekiq status page (forum.url/sidekiq) there’s a summary of Redis memory usage, including peak usage. (Also, uptime - might be interesting if uptime is very short, because maybe redis is crashing and restarting and leaving some disk clutter.)

(However, that’s memory usage, and the problem here seems to be disk usage.)

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see this, it is generating dump data

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Presumably you can delete all the temp files.

Is this a standard install? Does it have a history of being migrated from another machine? A quick search indicates that some kind of permissions problem, or other reason for redis to fail while saving/renaming, could be the cause.

This previous thread was, for me, inconclusive:
Discouse takes up a lot of disk space, mainly the redis_data folder

I think that they get left behind if redis shuts down before it can write it out. (But had no memory of writing that, so maybe I have it left in a temp file solfege/somewhere)

Those dates in the screenshot are in clumps at roughly 5 minute intervals - something isn’t working as it should!

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I didn’t notice that!

There’s certainly something wrong. It’s this an underpowered machine? It’s it running a bunch of AI stuff? (I don’t think so, but those are my best guesses)

If safe to delete them, which solves the immediate disk space issue.

As a general checkup, which includes a check for processes being killed due to shortage of memory:

The smtp service was stopped,

and the queue were there,

is that an issue?

What I did?

fixed smtp, and deleted temp files.

That could explain it.

It will be interesting to see if those temp files are still being created.

No temp files are not created now.

but this one is eating 16GB

how to deal with it?


You can try

cd /var/discourse
./launcher cleanup