Don't automatically following topics after posting

Despite cancelling the automatic follow-up after posting in the backend settings or personal center settings, I still get automatically followed after posting. I tested on several different sites and encountered the same issue. So, is this a bug?

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The preference you show in your screenshot is about replying (“posting in a topic”, not “posting a topic”), but the reason shown next to “watching” is that you have created the topic.

I don’t think there is a setting for the default notification level of topics you create. It makes sense to expect that, in general, users want to receive notifications about replies to a topic they create.

I just created an account at, adjusted my preferences, and replied to a topic.

As expected, the notification level is “normal” after I replied.

It seems like I misunderstood, just as you said. Haha
But how can I set it up so that I can post new threads without following them?

You probably need to change the topic notification level to Muted in each topic that you author.

I think this is the existing feature request - New setting for watch/track preference when posting new topic


I strongly agree :muscle: