DiscourseConnect SSO with Google login


I configured DiscourseConnect SSO and it worked correctly for me - I can log in using our own login provider. However, I realized that DiscourseConnect SSO completely replaces the Discourse authentication as described in the documentation.

My question is: how can I use Google login, local login, and our custom company provider together?

I saw that there is a Discourse VK Authentication plugin. Is there a way to install the Discourse VK Authentication plugin on our standard plan, or how can we resolve our problem in a different way?

Best regards,

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This is currently not possible. The typical recommendation is to allow the various login methods on your DiscourseConnect login provider, and have users route through there.

The standard plan has a fixed set of plugins. You can take a look at Plugin directory | Discourse - Civilized Discussion to see what plugins are offered on which levels.