Ability for users to act as moderators on their own topic

Does anyone still care about this?

I have a forum that needs this, and I’ve developed a plugin for it - it’s still in active development, but almost all the features mentioned in this topic are already available.

Anyone willing to try it?

By the way, its I18n support is not good

Maybe I should attach some screenshot?


Definitely still interested, feel free to DM info but I might not be able to get around to it for a bit

also what does this mean

genuinely no clue if that’s something I should care about or not

I think that would be a great plugin. :+1:


i18next is an internationalization-framework written in and for JavaScript. But it’s much more than that!

i18next goes beyond just providing the standard i18n features such as (plurals, context, interpolation, format). It provides you with a complete solution to localize your product from web to mobile and desktop.

You may care if you need to translate this plugin’s text content in some languages. :slight_smile:

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Leader TL4 also have this ability.

Forums where users play for example table top Pen & Paper RPGs. The Game master for example can close the topic until next session.

Well with Discourse being extensible I inagine this could be done with sponsoring development of a plugin.

I imagine the Automation plugin would come in handy to automate this process.

A custom plugin that could be enabled on a per category basis would midigate the risk to low if done well. Might be tricky to add ppl other than the op though.

Then there is nothing that will be done. You will need to petition your community Forum for change. It is unlikely the team will add this function that is more for a niche per use case. Features are often added due to a wide benefit vs a per case use. And no Stephen imho is not bring passive aggressive by gleaming what your really asking for :v::sunglasses::vulcan_salute:

That is quite awesome! May need to give it check. Just need to know more on the potential support issue(s). But looks very promising.

I would be interested in test driving your plugin. And provide any feedback your wanting.