About force www to non www

In my browser, there is no issue. I can easily browse over HTTPS non-www version.
Did I missed anything?

Problem is with https://www.fstdesk.com

4 Oca 2019 Cum 21:19 tarihinde Ultra Noob via Discourse Meta meta@discoursemail.com şunu yazdı:

As a normal user, everything seems fine to me.

What exactly are you expecting to achieve? Sorry, I didn’t get anything.


try below link please. still there is problem


Use something other than Chrome

same on Pale Moon…

You have a typo in the URL. (the ! exclamation point before the “l” in login).

Also, even with the correct URL, Safari is giving an invalid certificate warning.

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it is an old link which used before discourse with another script.

How can i solve this issue ? Must i install letsencrypt again with www version of my domain ? or …

Personally I would use a registrar redirect for either @ or www and forget about the https edge case.

Just pick whichever you have used in the past or publicised and stick with it.

You can go to the trouble of editing the yml, issuing a SAN cert and configuring redirects but it’s rarely truly necessary.


Yes. If you want https to work for multiple host names you have to reconfigure let’s encrypt as I suggested above.

I’ve done it before but as suggested above unless you have published another https address that you now want to change it’s largely unnecessary.