Here are some updated examples for the most recent (AFAICT) colors used in coldmapping on the /latest
page against the white #ffffff
TL;DR: As with the above items, people with less-than-perfect vision may not be able to see any difference in any of these colors.
- “Light blue”
cold map dates: 1.71:1 (fails at WCAG AA and AAA for large and small text) - “Dark blue”
cold map dates: 2.27:1 (fails at WCAG AA and AAA for large and small text) - “Grey”
cold map dates: 3.15:1 (fails at WCAG AAA for large and small, and AAA for small, and but passes AA for large text)
Note: The contrast ratio between the two blues is also only 1.32:1 which fails all measures.
- “Bright orange”
heat map values: 2.62:1 (fails at WCAG AA and AAA for large and small text) - “Dark orange”
heat map values: 3.33:1 (fails at WCAG AAA for large and small, and AAA for small, and but passes AA for large text) - “Brown”
heat map values: 4.12:1 (fails at WCAG AAA for large and small, and AAA for small, and but passes AA for large text) - “Grey”
heat map values: 3.15:1 (fails at WCAG AAA for large and small, and AAA for small, and but passes AA for large text)
Note: The contrast ratio between the bright orange and dark orange is 1.27:1 and between dark orange and brown is 1.24:1 which also fail all measures.