Add links to Discourse that allow users to authenticate via SSO or access private groups directly if they are logged in already

Thanks Simon, yes the user is logged into WordPress.

The odd in my scenario is that I have one main WP site (WPSite1) that is the DiscourseConnect Provider for Discourse using WP Discourse,

Then I have a second WP Site (WPSite2) that synchronizes user database with WPSite1 using WP Remote User Synch plugin

I don’t know why it would interfere with the expected behavior you mentioned though, because when I login in on WPSite2, and then navigate to WPSite1, I am already logged in on WPSite1 as well.

But what is happening is that even after logging in on WPSite1, which is the DiscourseConnect Provider, and I click on a URL like, it takes me to the SSO WP Login form.

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