I don’t understand what is so difficult to implement or confusing to understand. You guys have already done the right thing for Topic pages so why are you not able to replicate the same in Category pages.
Here’s the snapshot of view-source of an example topic page
I get that you wouldn’t like to highlight faults in SERP which has already been addressed over the course of development, but many webmasters are using it for different purposes who would like these pages they have worked so hard on addressing user query get crawled and get them traffic for all the time that the community managers invested.
There should be a fix which put it to webmaster’s discretion.
You are totally missing the point here… Page 2 on bugs is just page 2 today, tomorrow it becomes page 3, and so on, this is quicksand and it dilutes search results, only value it has is for indexing.
All the content on page 2 is already in the topics, its just a bunch of topic titles.
Its like you are asking for “page 2” on google to be an organic search result … flash bit of trivia, its a # url, you can’t even easily link to page 2 on google.