Adding owners/members UX is inconsistent and misleading

Wow, living on the bleeding edge of Discourse hosting is full of surprises, was seriously confused for a minute there. :smiley:

Anyway, just wanted to say kudos to @tgxworld. Iā€™ve happened to set up quite a lot of groups in the past week and the new UI is great. :slight_smile: (and I am saying that even though I had not idea group page even existed a month ago)


@tgxworld I noticed that creating a group without a name on the new page throws a 500 error rather than telling you the name is missing.


Fixed in



Itā€™s still weird that the API returns a 500 error for invalid input rather than a standard error response. We need to fix the server side aspect of this too to return the appropriate error.


Just sayingā€¦

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Iā€™ve been managing my instance of Discourse for over a year, but had never used groups. My first instinct was to go to Admin>Users> because logic dictates thatā€™s where I would find the Groups tab. But noā€¦ Confusion and Google searches ensued.

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It might be a good idea to make more obvious where to find ā€œ+ Add Membersā€ in a group. It seems hidden away. I know that it is similar to the ā€œ+ New Categoryā€ but I still missed it.

The burger menu where ā€œ+Add Membersā€ is is very easy to miss as it looks part of the search menu for the group Members. The visual focus is on the menu on the left (Members/ Activity/ Message/ Manage ) and didnā€™t pay much attention to the search box on the right as I was not looking for a specific user.

Then I thought Iā€™d find ā€œAdd Memberā€ in ā€œManage/ Membershipā€.

If I donā€™t find something in the Admin menu I know to find it in the respective area. ie, If I want a new Category Iā€™ll go to /Categories and now if I want to modify Groups, Iā€™ll go to /groups. I donā€™t find it very intuitive but I know where things are now.