Adding SSO after many users already signed up -- how to migrate them?

Yes! I was able to create a script that goes through all the Discourse users, and imports them with their passphrase hash into our platform.

Soon, we’ll be able to let anyone who has a Discourse forum add also Events, Videoconferencing, Media, and more, with Discourse living in the “Discuss” tab. You can see the result on

Basically turning any Discourse installation into a modern social network a la Facebook. We worked for years on those features and now we want to integrate them tightly with Discourse and Wordpress too. So people can combine Wordpress, Discourse and Qbix and self-host their entire community.

But I have two remaining issues.

  1. In Qbix, we hash the password on the client at least with sha1(password + userId) before sending it to the server. Even when it’s https. We do it so the server or any MITM NEVER has the password, to re-use it across sites. But, Discourse simply sends the password to the server. So we had to turn off this hashing on the client side. Is it possible to do some iterations of hash_pbkdf2 on the client side, and the rest on the server side? I tried it and it doesn’t seem to line up:
php > $password = 'abc';
php > $salt = 'def';
php > $a = hash_pbkdf2('sha256', $password, $salt, 64000, 64, false);
php > $b = hash_pbkdf2('sha256', $password, $salt, 1, 64, false);
php > $c = hash_pbkdf2('sha256', $password, $b, 63999, 64, false);
php > echo $a;
php > echo $c;
  1. Would it be possible to just use Discourse as an SSO Provider, instead of using our site as the SSO provider? Then hosts of Discourse forums would be even more likely to expand it with Qbix features, since the login would remain exactly the same, and on Discourse’s side. Facebook, Google, and whatever else. Is there any documentation on what kind of information Discourse Connect as an SSO Provider returns to our consumer site? Does it include things like the photo we can download, firstname, lastname, and username at least?