After upgrade, unable to load categories.json with error

We upgraded to the latest Discourse build; no major plugin installed, other than the fact we have a subdirectory install.

The error I am seeing in the logs is the following:

failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column categories.suppress_from_homepage does not exist

Is there some known issue?

(Edited this as before I thought it was a subdir error)

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Still investigating this, as it seems to happen only in one of the two forums I upgraded.

I have created that column via psql for now and that brought the forum back online - unfortunately I am not familiar with when/if that column was removed.

Run db:seed_fu after the import, that will fix it.

Not too fond of this delayed-drop column mechanism, it haunted us too many times… :cry:


Thank you Michael, this has helped! Also for the future!

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Looks like it was very recently:

Heading “Suppress category from latest”.