Aggregated click number on forum click counter

So I know that in the forum there is a click counter for every post’s link.
Is there a way to see the total number of clicks for the whole forum? (Other than going manually through each and every post and counting them).


There’s the “Last 30 days” at
Admin -> Dashboard


That’s not quite the same thing, I think Tiffany is asking about outgoing clicks. Those are incoming links.

We don’t have a global “most clicked link across all topics on the site”, but the data is present in the database and would probably be easy enough to query out.

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Thank you Jeff, this is exactly what I meant.

Is there a place where I can see how to find/ query this data in the database?

I believe what you’re interested in is the topic_links table (in /db/structure.sql)

CREATE TABLE topic_links (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    topic_id integer NOT NULL,
    post_id integer,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    url character varying(500) NOT NULL,
    domain character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    internal boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
    link_topic_id integer,
    created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    reflection boolean DEFAULT false,
    clicks integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    link_post_id integer,
    title character varying(255),
    crawled_at timestamp without time zone,
    quote boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL

In the Rails console you could do something like
TopicLink.order("clicks DESC").limit(1)
which gives this from my localhost Discourse

=> [#<TopicLink id: 2, topic_id: 18, post_id: 18, user_id: 2, url: "/faq", domai
n: "localhost:4000", internal: true, link_topic_id: nil, created_at: "2013-01-29
 05:25:59", updated_at: "2013-01-29 05:25:59", reflection: false, clicks: 1, lin
k_post_id: nil, title: nil, crawled_at: nil, quote: false>]

Ah, notice in the previous internal: true that should be in the query for false.

I did some testing on my localhost Discourse and got this from the same query as previous so this is the table you want

=> [#<TopicLink id: 80, topic_id: 86, post_id: 128, user_id: 27, url: "http://co", domain: "", internal: false, lin
k_topic_id: nil, created_at: "2015-03-27 18:14:34", updated_at: "2015-03-27 18:1
4:34", reflection: false, clicks: 4, link_post_id: nil, title: nil, crawled_at:
nil, quote: false>]

I will try that, thank you so much!!