AI Image Captioning Feature in Discourse AI Plugin

A post was split to a new topic: Add ‘not now’ option when offering to enable AI image captions

AI captions has been out for some time so thought I get some feedback

How are folks finding AI caption use in their communities?

Some prompting questions…

  • Have you enabled it?
  • Are you using it at all?
  • Do you find it useful?
  • Is it solving a problem/need for you?

I would love to hear more about your experiences

Reminder that we now have automatic AI captions! Available via ai auto image caption allowed groups site setting


its works for non-english sites?


Well, it doesn’t work. And we have an open topic about that issue.

But when it works AI uses too many words but that is in its nature. But captions aren’t for ordinary users and for them such data is only noise. It would be wonderful if those would be hidden somehow, because I don’t see alt-text normally.

Otherwise — captioning is just another way to give better accessibility and as long it doesn’t eat all funds and works on background everything is fine.


is there a way to use it in a foreign language forum?

thats not possible to edit thé prompt :frowning:


It should do it already out of the box.


Yes thats true. But the Artist bot with stable diffusion is generating images with alt in english only