A forum forgets automatic AI caption

These are parameters what I am using:

My forum forgets that there is such thing as automatic captioning. It has consent to do it, but it acts like it just doesn’t know it and at some point it just doesn’t care.

That I did at the point where I didn’t get automatic captions any more:

  1. I checked there is consent to do automatic caption; there is.
  2. I logged out, closed DiscourseHub and opening it again and logging in.
  3. I re-checked consent and it was there
  4. I started new topic with image
  5. I was asked permission to do automatic caption; it already has that permission though
  6. Caption was created. I did two more testings in public and private categories and auto-captioning worked
  7. I closed DiscourseHub, but not logged out. Then I opened the Hub and my forum
  8. I started new topic with an image. I didn’t get a caption
  9. I checked my settings and there was still permission to do captions

This isn’t new thing, but was there from very beginning when we get this feature. And no, I haven’t tested here or in playground-discourse.

What do you think — is this an issue of Discourse, DiscourseHub, iPad or my setup (it is quite basic without any fancy customizations). But because no one hasn’t complaining it means something is broken on my end, or… quite few uses or cares about automatic captions :smirk:


It happened here too. So I move this to bug

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Hey @Jagster,

Thanks for submitting this report. Could you confirm, the image you tried to upload for automatic captioning does it have:

  • alt text/filename as single word less than 20 chars
  • not a small image (> 0.4MP)
  • file type is .jpg or .png
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That’s true.

BTW - 0,4 MP is not valid scale even dev-side loves it because it is easy to count. But it is still just markering term from early ages from digital cameras. You should use pixel sizes. That is more or less similar thing than using DPI.

Another thing to consider. ALT limit breaks that functionality when used AI helper, if I’m not totally wrong.

I just pushed a fix, this should now be resolved.

Please let me know if you are still facing any issues.

Let’s try

Yeah, works here. At the moment anyway :smirk:

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And it works on my forum too.


But there is small and minor thing, and it can be issue of used model and/or OpenAI. Captions start this way:

![<img src="[IMAGE URL]"> Kuvass…

But I don’t know if there is need to dig it deeper, unless it shows right away what should be better. Yet, it didn’t happend here.

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