AI Search for finding non-exact matches

It’s great! Especially when I enter a search phrase that returns “No results found” for the exact match search.

I’m getting quite a few semantically correct matches for closed marketplace topics. Possibly it’s useful to return those, but maybe they should appear near the bottom of the list.

Maybe some searches could be narrowed to specific categories or tags. For example:

  • Searching for “How do I prevent activation emails from being sent when users login from wordpress?” the best results are going to be found in Documentation or wordpress.

  • Searching for “How to write a Data Explorer query that returns the most liked topics?” the best results are going to be found in the data & reporting and Documentation categories.

If it was possible, the initial search could return results from the most likely categories and a suggestion could be given to try expanding the search to other categories.

Thinking about semantic search as the first stop for using Discourse as a customer support forum, it would be nice to be able to prioritize specific categories or tags. For example, on Meta the initial search could prioritize searching the Documentation category.