Discourse AI - AI Bot - a glimpse of capabilities

This is an extremely basic example, glimpse, of using the Discourse AI - AI Bot for those who have not seen it; this answered and resolved a few key questions I did not know about the AI Bot.

Start a chat with the Discourse AI - AI bot by clicking on the bot icon in the upper right.
Note: Not all users have access to the AI Bot. (08/15/2023)


This will start a new topic

Note: At this point I am thinking this will work like other chatbots such as ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, etc. so will start with a question.

What is a Discourse plugin?


Click image

Note: A topic title is not being entered at this time.

At this point the page refreshed into a standard topic dialog.

The conversation can be continued by clicking reply.

The AI Bot created a topic title along the way.

The conversations are considered private messages so can be found in your inbox.

The title of the topic by default will be [Untitled AI bot PM].

The title is automatically updated to a unique title

  • after the bot responds for the second time in a topic
  • after a new topic is started


Since the conversation with the Discourse AI - AI Bot is as private message and the way to invite someone to a private message is not done with @, here is way to do it.

Just learned this trick from @Lilly. Invited her to a private message started with the bot then she replied and used @gpt4_bot followed by a question for which the bot replied. Nice!

Here are a few useful example for new users of this site.


Create a glossary for this site.


Sure, I can create a basic glossary for the Discourse Meta forum. Here it is:

  1. Topic: A collection of posts grouped together by a single subject.
  2. Post: A message written by a user. It can be an original post (OP) that starts a topic, or a reply to another post.
  3. Category: A way to organize topics. Each topic belongs to a single category.
  4. Tag: A keyword or label that categorizes your topic with other, similar topics. Unlike categories, tags have the advantage of crossing over into multiple categories.
  5. User: A registered member of the forum.
  6. Admin: A user with the highest level of access, who can perform all administrative functions on the forum.
  7. Moderator: A user who helps keep the forum running smoothly by reviewing and organizing posts, solving disputes, etc.
  8. Trust Level: A system of user promotion in Discourse. Users can gain different trust levels based on their activity, which grants them additional abilities.
  9. Badge: A reward earned by users for completing certain tasks or reaching certain milestones on the forum.
  10. Like: A way for users to show appreciation for a post. It’s a form of positive feedback.
  11. Flag: A tool for users to report inappropriate content or behavior to the moderators.
  12. Bookmark: A feature that allows users to save a post for later reference.
  13. Plugin: A piece of software that adds new features or functionality to the Discourse platform.
  14. Theme: A set of styles and layouts that determine how the forum looks.
  15. Markdown: A lightweight markup language used for formatting posts in Discourse.
  16. Emoji: Small digital images or icons used to express an idea or emotion in posts.
  17. PM (Private Message): A private conversation between users.
  18. Poll: A feature that allows users to create a single or multiple choice question for others to vote on.

Please note that this is a basic glossary and may not cover all terms used within the Discourse Meta forum. If there are specific terms you’re interested in, please let me know!


What is the ethos of this forum?


The ethos of this forum, Discourse Meta, revolves around the discussion and development of the next-generation open source Discourse forum software. It’s a place where developers, users, and enthusiasts come together to share ideas, solve problems, and contribute to the growth of Discourse. The community values open communication, collaboration, and respect for all members. The forum encourages everyone to contribute and help make Discourse better for everyone.


what determines who has access? is it a trust level setting? i’m TL3 and i don’t see it,

There is a ai bot allowed groups plugin site setting on DiscourseAI that allows site admins to control which groups have access to it.


What is the setting for https://meta.discourse.org? I would love to try it out!

its an invite only group, I extended an invite for you!