Air Theme

Do you think there is a easy solution to show categories and latest side by side in columns like on the standard theme? Thank you!

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Hi @jordan-vidrine

I have installed your theme but Iā€™m missing the Dark Light Theme Toggle (and Auto Detect) in the hamburger menu like it is in your screenshot.

How can I enable it?

Found it!
It was this setting which hides the setting inside the hamburger menu.
Add color scheme toggle button to site header


With the dark color scheme is something wrong (or maybe itā€™s something with my pc).

With Firefox all colors are correct, but with Chromium-based browser the colors are somehow different.
Itā€™s a fresh install from Vivaldi, so no cache was active.
Please have a look at the screenshot.

For some reasons I canā€™t upload any image (png). :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes:

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You may want to go into your specific user preferences page and make sure the dark-theme that is selected is the same across the browswers. Each browser stores its own user-setting so I am imagining this is what the issue is.


Iā€™m sorry but this canā€™t be the solution because

  1. I did a fresh install of the OS and browsers on my Laptop, and
  2. I wasnā€™t logged in and I saw the color differences.
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Have you tried logging in to make sure?

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For which reason?
The colors are different in Chromium based browser.

Have you tried clearing the cache? And can you share a link?

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I donā€™t need to clear the cache because I installed the browser 5 seconds before I visited the site.

I could share a link but I donā€™t use it anymore so the problem for me is solved.

Thx for reply. I ment Homepage.

Thanks for the advice. Iā€™ll keep looking deeper.

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I second this! :+1:

Is there an easy way to it?

  1. How do I show views in the topic list (that column is missing) ?
  2. Is there a way to show the user and excerpt of the content of the latest most post when showing latest? Or could that be a feature?

When I look at my latest topic list, Iā€™m interested in a sneak-peek at the content of the last person who posted rather than the content of the original post.

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  1. Iā€™ll have to think about that one!
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I exported so that Iā€™m able to edit the CSS. There is quite a lot.
Should I just paste that section in the common or just the desktop or in the header?
or carefully overwrite what is there?

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I would create a new theme-component in your theme area of the admin panel and add to the desktop css page.


My site is every post must be reviewed, but when I update the theme to last, userā€™s interface is show ā€œpost need reviewā€, I donā€™t want user to see this interface, and try turn it off, but it still here.

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CSS-wizardsā€¦ how do I get mobile view a bit less minimalistic and clear, it should look more like desktop version? Iā€™m looking for some space on the left hand side.

This is mobile:

And this is desktop:

Some margins would make it look better and easier readible.

This isnā€™t new thing. It has been like this ages, but now my users have started complaining about it.

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what kind of device is that? seems large enough to handle the desktop view well, mobileā€™s really meant for screens under 600px wide or so


iPad. But I used it only to get screenshot easily, because smaller devices arenā€™t ment to writingā€¦ But same happends with iPhone, other ecosystems arenā€™t familiar to me ā€” but Iā€™m quite sure majority of my users arenā€™t at Apple-camp.

And when it is matter of left hand side, size of screen doesnā€™t matter as you know :wink: Only that matters there is zero marginal.

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Got the same problem here, itā€™s been like this for months on my 2 android phones.
If a user log out, the UI will become normal, but when log in, the UI will become like this.

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I really like this theme and considering to use it, but with some modifications.

The theme is currently not pointing towards a License file. Iā€™m assuming that since itā€™s officially published under Discourse, itā€™s a GNU license.

Is that indeed the case?