Air Theme

Here is my CSS changes to improve the Mobile View.

I absolutely love this theme, but noticed some little minor odd bits, so I also added the following CSS to make it look a little nicer in my perspective. I hope this helps someone else with the same preferences.

Here is the Original (Unedited)


Note the following in the picture above:

  • The number 1 which represents the Replies is to far to the left.
  • The topic bubble is slightly overlapping the blue background.
  • There is no padding between all the content and the blue background.
  • The blue background does not look nice in the category page. I love it on the home page though.

Here is the CSS code I added in the Mobile tab.

/* Add some padding to the Category, Sub-Category, Tags, searc, latest, new topic, and notification area*/
.list-controls {
    padding: 5px;

/* Adds some padding to the Topics area */
div#list-area {
    padding: 6px;

/* Aligns the Replies number more to the right */
.full-width .contents .topic-list .topic-list-body .topic-list-item .topic-list-data.posts {
    float: right;

Updated (After adding the CSS)


If you too, prefer to remove the blue background, here is the code to only remove it from the category pages.

/* Removes the blue background for category only */
html .category .background-container {
    background: #fff;
    clip-path: none;

Here is what It looks like with all the changes.



Flagging Mobile Issue

On mobile, there is a Category dropdown. When clicked and either Latest, Unread, or Top is selected, you cant select Categories from the dropdown again.



2.When the dropdown menu is clicked


3.After you click


4. Dropdown menu (missing Categories)


At this point, a user is unable to select the dropdown and choose Categories again.

Any advise on how to fix this issue?




:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thanks a ton for posting these helpful instructions for those wanting the view column to be visible.

Do you have a link to you site? I am trying this on mine locally and am unable to reproduce.


Thank for this complete polished full theme.

I am having an issue with featured topics component not showing the cards. I would like to also have the option to have it only show featured topics within specified categories. Which in theory it should or even in the variants based on the official one.

see pic below

I can if needed dm you a link to take a look. Both test topics have pics that are featured; though using custom tag pi-featured. Running test-passed

Please send a link, Ill take a look :+1:


Just cross posting this here. Thought Chat plugin had a conflict issue with Discourse Search Banner. But after trying a preview of just the Banner. Ir seems to be an issue related to Air Theme background.

See in Link below.

Just wondering if you have had a chance to evaluate the Chat plugin issue? as described above? My apologies as imagine your quite busy. I thought it was a conflict with Search Banner but it seems to be the Air Theme background. The chat plugin seems to be creating a white central column that overlays over the blue background.


Found an issue when Discourse chat plugin activated the Banner of Discourse Search Banner blanks.

Running Test-passed

using Air theme. When Chat plugin disabled it displays no issues. After chat enabled as above.

EDiT: Was mistaken. Re confirmed it is actually a conflict/issue with Air theme background see blue is cut out/off. See posts below with chat off Blue background is displayed properly with Discourse search banner overlayed properly in white on blue.

Hi Heliosurge, I’m not quite sure to understand the issue (I do see an empty area on your screenshot though)

Can you share the exact steps we need to do to experience the issue so we can reproduce it ourselves? :slight_smile:

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It was very simple. The Air Theme had the Discourse Search Banner installed as part if the complete theme.

As stated running Test-Passed.

Once the Chat Plugin is enabled the Wrlcome banner if the Discourse Search Banner no longer displays the Welcome message.

Turn Chat plugin off. The Welcome banner is displayed.

Chat plugin Disabled

You can see in this ss the Chat plugin icon is gone from the header. You can also see tge other effects that the chat plugin is sermingly doing to the background creating a white empty rectangle ignoring the blue background.

Now looking at it might it be interfering with Air Thene’s blue wallpaper? as text is white in the banner. So I might be on the wrong track with the Discourse Search banner. It might be a conflict with part of the Air theme… ??

Confirmed. my apologies it seems ti be a conflict with Air theme background. Jist tried a preview of just Discourse Search Banner with Chat plugin.

see below

Sorry for the incorrect duiagnosis… :facepalm:

Taking a further look in the Air Theme the blue part of the background is blocked in that center column when scrolling the blue is just on the outer edges. When chat disabled the blue part of the background connects from left to right through the center.


Just giving this a bump. It seems to be actually the Air Theme background having a central white column. see pics above.

Just wondering if the team has been able to reproduce as have isolated to the Air Theme background and not an issue with search banner.

Hello Dan,

It seems your Search Banner plugin outlet is on the default above-main-container? I think you need to change this to place the Search Banner out from the #main-outlet :arrow_down_small:

However the theme has a chat custom style when enabled on the #main-outlet which I think only need to be active on chat pages.
This is adding the background with !important to the #main-outlet which override the theme background transparency on #main-outlet etc…

Screenshot 2023-02-08 at 7.49.56

I think this is would be better with restrict this to .has-full-page-chat so only appears on chat pages?

With above-main-container setting :arrow_down_small:

With below-site-header setting :arrow_down_small:


Okay that fixes the primary display. What would be the code to fix the chat? As it still has the white column under the search banner header on the categories as per your last screen shot.

Thank you for your help.

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I’m adding “category logo” Images to some, but not all, of my categories.

expected behavior: When I add a logo image to a category, the size of the label remains the same as those of other categories.

observed behavior: When I add a logo image to a category, the square is comparatively larger than the squares in the labels of categories without logo images. Beyond not lining up with categories in the same column, rows with categories with logo images are taller than rows with categories without logo images.

This happens on mobile and desktop

How can I fix this?

I can confirm that is how it displays on my site. I belirleve it is due to non cat logo uses a very small descriptor vs a cat logo.

I inagine you can likely use css to make non logo categories match box size of logo ones.

Thanks for the confirmation. CSS makes my skin crawl. It’s my kryptonite. I’ve never been less productive then when working on getting margins to look right using CSS.

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I hear you still learning. But imagine the author or a team member might help with a css code fix.

Just discovered light/dark toggle. Eorks well. save if you refresh the page it seems discourse will display the light thene logo instead. I suspect that is duue to discourse not detecting the web browser not being in dark mode.

Weird it seems to have fixed itself. lol

I just switched to it and I must say that its very clean, nice theme. I like it very much. Great work whoever designed it. Thanks.


Would it be possible to send me a direct message? I dont feel comfortable with sharing the link publicly. Thanks for your willingness to help! <3

I uninstalled Air Theme and all of its plugins, and re-installed them. I have tried everything I can think if to fix it but cant.

Default Theme - Category Dropdown does not disappear after selecting a different option (On Mobile)

Air Theme - Category Dropdown disappears after selecting a different option. (On Mobile)