Air Theme

I found the issue for the missing “Category” dropdown for mobile using the Air Theme.

In reference to posts…

The code in your repo Common.scss states…

.mobile-view {
  .cm-header-links {
    display: none;
  .list-controls .nav-pills .drop li:first-of-type {
    display: none;

I updated the code to

.mobile-view {
  .cm-header-links {
    display: none;
  .list-controls .nav-pills .drop li:first-of-type {
    display: block;

And now the Categories dropdown does not disappear after choosing another dropdown option. :slight_smile:


Hello everybody…

I’m trying to customize my self hosted Discourse and I found that theme to be a good starting point!

How do you guys make changes in the CSS (like changing the background)?
Since there’s no “Custom CSS/HTML” section in the Theme page when I select that theme like there is in the default theme.



  1. Start with creating a new theme component for your forum.
  2. Include your new component to the theme desired (the one which is used or a “dev” theme for you to check it first)
  3. Find Edit CSS/HTML button in the component settings
  4. Create and expand the horizons! :fire:

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 20.56.22@2x


Cool… I didn’t thought about a component being just a CSS tweak.



I have an alert in the console:

deprecated.js:61 Deprecation notice: PluginOutlet arguments should now be passed using `@outletArgs=` instead of `@args=` (outlet: category-box-below-each-category) [deprecation id: discourse.plugin-outlet-args]

did I forget something in my theme settings?
I looked, I don’t see …


you did not, the themes syntax just needs to be updated a bit :+1:


Everything is fine, it’s not a red flag :slight_smile:
I don’t have the skills to help anyway. Thanks again for the beautiful theme!


A member reported an issue with Dark mode color the highlight makes emoji selector text and pm selector text unreadable.

Hi there, I am very new to discourse, so apologies in advances if I am missing something obvious here. After installing the Air Theme there seems to be a couple of issues.

  1. The “welcome to our community” message is invisible as it is the same colour as the background. I have tried updating colours but could not get the colour of this text to change.

    As you can see below, the text is there but only visible when highlighted

  2. Thew welcome text is appearing in the wrong place - i expected this to appear within the colour background however as you can see in the images above, it is not doing this.

Any help or tips would be much appreciated!

This should be fixed if you follow these steps

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Hmmm, im not seeing this behavior. Are you using the most up to date version of discourse & theme?

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Yes on both. Just completing a new upgrade for discourse available today… Will check again once complete.

You should still have the test account details I sent you. Will update this post shortly.

Mobile on emoji selector using “:” the drop down

Mobile name search dm/pm

After discourse update no change in above the selector in dark mode the highlighted info is blank as above.

How do you disable the air theme’s topic thumbnail/excerpts to default behavior? Only showing topic title unless pinned?

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Thank you very much - this has done the trick :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: Add Preference for sidebar vertical scrollu

Love the theme :pray:

I want to use the Modern Category + Group Boxes plug-in, but is there a way to rearrange the main page?

My issue is that all the categories appear in boxes on top, and the Latest section is below. While it’s really well designed, it might not be user-friendly for someone who is in the Community for a quick browse. Is there a way to place the category boxes on the left side of the home page (I know it’s possible to use the sidebar, but still) and then the Latest on the right, similar to the Discourse Clickable Topic plug-in?

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This is not currently possible, sorry about that!

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How would I fix the background? I narrowed it diwn to the Chat plugin.

With the Chat plugin disabled or logged out it displays properly. See pic 1

Logged in with chat plugin enabled

See how there us a white column instead of the background between bubbles and the blue is cut in the center.


Thanks for sharing, this is def. an interesting visual bug. Ill take a look


This should now be fixed. Thanks again for reporting.