Allow AI helper for reading only

It is currently possible to allow the AI Helper in the Composer and disallow it while reading posts, but the opposite is not possible. Is there anything in the works to allow admins to let users have the AI Helper when reading posts but not necessarily when writing in the Composer? This is quite useful for a community who may want to sell writing with the AI Helper in the Composer as a subscription perk.

Thanks for any feedback!

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Hello :wave:

It’s possible to disable it in composer with changing the AI helper features with a site setting.
ai helper enabled features

By default it contains: suggestions, context menu

Suggestions is what makes possible to generates title, category, tag etc… to the topic.
Context menu is I guess what you want to disable in composer.
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 14.04.42

So if you remove context menu from the selected then it won’t available in composer but the [Ask AI] will still visible on posts.

Sorry if I misunderstood your request…

Hey thanks for the reply! While that’s true and I’m aware of that setting, it would disable it completely (including for subscribers). Here’s what I’m looking for:

  • Option to enable and disable AI Helper while reading for specific groups
  • Option to enable and disable AI Helper while writing for specific groups

This makes sense. I’ve renamed and updated a few of the settings and pushed those changes:

ai_helper_enabled will enable the entire AI helper feature.

There are also now two group related settings:
composer_ai_helper_allowed_groups and post_ai_helper_allowed_groups

This would now be post_ai_helper_allowed_groups

This would now be composer_ai_helper_allowed_groups


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