Always get a Summary Email?

Continuing the discussion from Summary Email feedback:

The new summary design is awesome! Thank you!

Some of my users would always like to get a summary, even if they have visited the site recently.
On a related note, it would still be great to have the option of getting a summary even if mailing list is set to receive a message every time someone posts.

Is this possible? If not, I’d like to suggest a new option to always receive a summary email.

I guess this is possible, but I don’t understand why anyone wants this. The summary is all about “Since your last visit”, so the wording will be weird. People want it because it looks pretty now, even though it’s duplication of what they’ve already seen?

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They might have gone on to the website to look at one thread, but that doesn’t mean they have seen all of the information. The digest helps people to get an overview.


I see no value in adding a setting like this, sorry.

Jeff, you and the Discourse team have built the best forum by far and I’m grateful for it. I trust your instincts because the platform keeps getting better and better.

I have folded 3 yahoo groups into discourse and some of my lower tech users are overwhelmed. I’m 6 months into the transition of 140 users. Most of them are seeing the value, but some are lost and that is where I was wondering if a summary could help them find their way.