AppleScript Fenced Code blocks no longer working in 1.5.x

After upgrading from 1.4.6 top 1.5.1, my AppleScript Fenced Code Blocks no longer display correctly:

tell application "Safari"
	if it is running then
	end if
end tell

AppleScript language is turned on for highlighting, and this used to display correctly, but now displays like a mangled mess:

Hopefully there is some switch or setting that has been messed up or not set automatically that I can correct this, otherwise large chunks of my site now display significantly differently from previously.

Have you tried using 3 backticks to close the code block instead of 4?

tell application "Safari"
	if it is running then
	end if
end tell

Thanks. Stupid error on my part - had me worried though.

I don’t suppose there is any way to search for other occurrences of four backticks?

You can use data explorer plugin for that


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