Avatar is synching only on creation

Hello there!

I’m using this plugin to sync user from a django site, but the avatar is sync only on creation. If user change it in django, it is not sync in discourse.

In fact, in Discourse managed_authenticator.rb, the retrieve_avatar return early if the user already have a custom avatar setup:

  def retrieve_avatar(user, url)
    return unless user && url
    return if user.user_avatar.try(:custom_upload_id).present?
    Jobs.enqueue(:download_avatar_from_url, url: url, user_id: user.id, override_gravatar: false)

Did I missed something or discourse-openid-connect can not update avatar on login?

I also have question for the “website”, “location” and “bio_raw”. DiscourseConnect sync it on login, can openidconnect also do it? All are supported in the oidc claims


Same here, with v3.1.3…

Yup been battling this one myself on standardizing avatars.

I had hoped to use a custom picture claim from our IdP (Entra) to include the URL to a avatar host that doesn’t have the issue w bearer token auth for download_avatar_from_url like the generic graph.microsoft one does Testing though seems like the plugin stores /userinfo and ignores the JWT picture claim so a bit of a dead end anyways.