Azure Blob Storage Plugin

OK, I’m really baffled here. Turns out that the plugin is still not correct.

Whenever it tries to store a file, it comes back with:

Blob can not be stored: missing dependency for Faraday::Adapter::NetHttpPersistent: cannot load such file -- net/http/persistent
Url: //

So obviously somewhere I’m missing a require 'net/http/persistent', but I tried adding it to everywhere and it still gives this error.

For example, I’m adding it to plugin.rb and lib/azure_blob_store.rb… still this error.

The error came from a call to cache_file:

/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-azure-blob-storage/lib/azure_blob_store.rb:27:in `rescue in store_file'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-azure-blob-storage/lib/azure_blob_store.rb:17:in `store_file'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-azure-blob-storage/lib/azure_blob_store.rb:9:in `store_upload'

Can some kind soul teach me how to get rid of the missing dependency error?