Backups not running on Contabo Object Storage

I’m using Contabo Object Storage for backups and I need to leave “s3_backup_bucket” empty for it to work otherwise it adds the name at the beginnig of the bucket’s url and it doesn’t work.
Now, if I run the backups manually it works fine and complete the task but the automatic daily backups don’t work. I also shows me this in dashboard:

The server is configured to upload backups to S3, but at least one the following setting is not set: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key, s3_use_iam_profile, or s3_backup_bucket. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings.

Any way to fix this?
P.S. It used to work fine 'till last week update…

You can’t upload backups to s3 if you don’t define s3_backup_bucket.

I can’t imagine how that could be true.

Why it works then when I run it manually?

Contabo’s bucket url is

If I add the name to discourse settings it’ll try to connect to or
and this doesn’t work with Contabo.

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The same thing happened to me with scaleway, it worked for me until approximately May 16, then it didn’t work.

Additionally, believe me, I did more than 50 tests (changing all the values), and the only way that worked was if I left “s3 backup bucket” blank, and what the system did was create a folder called “default”, but It worked… Otherwise, no matter how many combinations I did, creating new AIs, modifying permissions, nothing worked.

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That sounds like a bug then.

That’s expected.

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I’ve put a space instead of leaving it empty and this night’s backup has run. Still having the advice in dashboard tho.
Another thing, it doesn’t delete the local files after the upload completes.

Moved back to previous provider (idrive) and everything is back to normality.

You should set bucket to Contabo region, and set S3 endpoint without region
like this
bucket: usc1
S3 endpoint:

it’s work fine.