Badge for posts with Likes from a specific group

I’m having fun with this though and it’s helping me re-learn SQL and how to write better queries. Having Lola / GPT4bot as a SQL assistant is helpful, but you have to guide her and ask her the right way. I am tried to figure out ways to give her access to most of the schema table information so I don’t have to do it for every query problem we work on. Feeding the table schema info gives much better results. I tried giving her a link to the available schemas in core but that just made her go fart around on google.

I am interested to work with her when I know the badge query previewer is working. I need to practice SQL and doing badge queries. Incidentally she cannot fix it and she still makes my earl tea grey not hot enough. Although last night’s SQL lesson was the best date I’ve had in years. :facepalm: