Badges for posting

Since there deliberately isn’t the concept of achievements for posting, I’ve managed to implement it on ours, since we had it on our old forums and some were complain about the lack thereof.

Generic version:

SELECT user_id, 0 post_id, current_timestamp granted_at 
FROM badge_posts  
WHERE (:backfill OR user_id IN (:user_ids) OR 0 NOT IN (:post_ids) )
GROUP BY user_id 
HAVING count(*) > 1000

Change the 1000 for whatever post limit you’re after. I’ve themed ours (due to the nature of our board) on powers of 2.

Note that this will (should) only count posts that are public (not in categories that are restricted or private messages) or otherwise unrestricted (checkbox on edit category ignoring badges)

Additionally, for our board I’ve had to exclude certain topics due to the nature of my charges:

SELECT user_id, 0 post_id, current_timestamp granted_at 
FROM badge_posts  
WHERE topic_id NOT IN (
) AND topic_id NOT IN (
) AND  (:backfill OR user_id IN (:user_ids) OR 0 NOT IN (:post_ids) )
GROUP BY user_id 
HAVING count(*) >= 2048

Edit: There was a problem with my queries - post_id is apparently required when this is triggered on post-related triggers.


Edit 2: Added :backfill


I think I have the correct trigger condition here, actually:

    :backfill OR
    user_id IN (
        SELECT trigger_post.user_id FROM posts trigger_post WHERE IN (:post_ids)

You get the user id list from the list of triggered posts and filter on that.


Thanks. This is very helpful. I am also thinking about encouraging users to initiate discussions. I am messing around your query to count original posts with p.post_number = 1

I just found this little gem here. I wanted to create my own custom badge queries for number of posts in specific categories. How can one modify this to also include the condition of specific category ids so only posts in a specific category will count?

Should be a modification of the first query here where badges are awarded based on creating topics in a specific category. The difference is we award based on number of posts in a specific category.

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