Badges data to my website database

Dear Team,

I want to save all badges data from my discourse forum to be saved in my php website database automatically , right now i am doing it manually but i want to setup something like webhooks or use API to automatically update this data on my website database or update the users on my websites with same badges , can someone tell me how to achieve this ?

I don’t think that there are webhooks for badges, so you’d need a plugin to do that. You could use the data explorer plugin to do a query that would give you the badges and access that query with the API.

Why do you want them in you php web site? There may be a way to solve that problem without copying to the database.

@pfaffman i have online tutorial website in php and i want to create discourse forum
for user support , there is already badges on my website and i want to setup same on discourse (will edit badges and make them same) but they should sync with our website to work same (same user when go to forum with previous website badges privileges will use our forum with same badges) ,

I will give your suggestions a try and will post tomorrow but if you purpose anything else(any plugin already available) please let me know :moreover i will integrate topics with embedding , only badges is pending and it is very important

Maybe you could pull the user’s groups via the API and embed them on the other site. Or run a cron job that pulls the groups data via the API and updates the database.

Check out How to reverse engineer the Discourse API

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Dear @pfaffman thankful for suggestion will update database via API and i also have one more question, I am using Bitnami LAMP 5.6.23-0 image on my instance now i need to create a support forum and want to install that forum on same server with LAMP bitnami , i want to install discourse forum and due to cost i can not use new instance for forum and i want to install it on same aws instance

Kindly support me to achieve this installation as i am not able to find any documentation on web

My instance have 50gb memory and 8gb ram i only need installation documentation
Things i tried already

  1. Docker (not able to start) : Failed to issue method call: Unit docker.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and ‘systemctl status docker.service’ for details.
  2. Without Docker (unable to start Redis and postgres )
  3. Apache2 is inside bitnami /opt/bitnami/apache2 and even i put new configurations apache2 is not taking it and i if i try to install outside it says port used

Bitnami is not supported here. There are some howto topics about running multiple sites. They may be of some help.

i guess i have to go for new instance

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