Badges for Adult Only category

Our forum has an “Adult only” category; posts there are unlisted. Despite that, the category is popular, and acquires a large number of likes and responses.

Currently, the “Adult only” category doesn’t generate badges, and users would like them.

I see that it would be possible in principle to edit badge query SQL to make this happen. But that seems drastic. Is there another/better way of handling this?

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You don’t mean unlisted, you mean a secure non public category, correct?

This is currently very much by design.


Is there a better way for us to handle “Adult only” categories and badges?

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Badges are only awarded on public categories / topics and this is deeply embedded into the design.


I think what I’m asking is something like this: We’re using the “secure non public category” feature for our AO category, but there’s nothing truly secure, secret, or private about it. We just want people to opt-in to see mature content. We have a policy where everybody who says that they’re an adult and that they want access to the AO category gets access.

Is there another, better way to implement our AO category? Ideally these posts would indeed be public but filtered out, or something…?

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Perhaps you could make a group where people can request to join or something similar. As for categories you can create a new one where only an adult group can post. To have badges would Allow badges to be awarded in this category in the category settings of I understand correctly?

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I guess you can reset the category settings to the default everyone -> see/reply/create and add it to the default muted categories? That way users need to opt-in by removing the mute?