Can't stop ai bot streaming

Hello :wave:

The gpt4o mini seems to have gone crazy and it can’t stop streaming for over 1 hour now. Every time I click the pause button it nothing happens just stop a sec. The temperature has been set too high. Is there any way to stop it? It writes random things all the time. :sweat_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

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oh my… what … where?

In personal message.

I do have a repro on the pause issue… having a look… this is certainly a bug. cancel is not canceling.


If I rebuild it will stop or continue after it?

it will stop if you restart the container

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Thanks Sam, it worked! Luckily, it was only the gpt4o mini :sweat_smile:

I don’t think they can charge you beyond the limit of what they generate, cause it is a bug on their side.

But yeah I regressed this while refactoring, will merge shortly and add a test here.


I see now, thanks for the fix! :slightly_smiling_face:

just merged it, there is a test as well, be sure to play with artifacts :slight_smile:


Yes they can. Been there.

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