Category specific Disclaimer

Hi, welcome back!

If you see blank, it’s because you have an error. find doesn’t exist in the helper.
You can usually see that in the browser console (F12).

You probably want something like that:

api.decorateWidget('post:before', (helper, args) => {
    if (helper.widget.model.topic.category_id === 51) {
        return helper.h("div.disclaimer", settings.MY_DISCLAIMER)

or using raw HTML:

const RawHtml = require("discourse/widgets/raw-html").default;

api.decorateWidget('post:before', (helper, args) => {
    if (helper.widget.model.topic.category_id === 51) {
         return new RawHtml({html: `<div class="container">${settings.MY_DISCLAIMER}</div>`})

You can read this post explaining how this h helper works.

You can do the following if you want to add some HTML before the cooked content:

api.decorateWidget('post-contents:before', (helper, args) => {
    const { topic } = helper.widget.findAncestorModel();

    if (topic && topic.category_id === 51) {
         return helper.h("div.disclaimer", settings.MY_DISCLAIMER);